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Sarah Love
Sarah Love

Strength Of A Thousand Men

The critique at IFMCA-associated reviews website, MundoBSO,[5] was positive, saying, "it is a sumptuous creation, of enormous orchestral, melodic, vocal and choral intensity, where the beauty of the celestial and the strength and power of the Averno are recreated. Very spectacular and with more than brilliant moments." It was rated seven out of ten stars.[6]

Strength Of A Thousand Men

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Thousand-Men PinsAnimeMangaJapaneseヘルスジャンキー 千人楔RōmajiHerusu Jankī Sen Nin KusabiInformationTypeFirst Grade ArtifactEffect(s)Enhanced Strength and LongevitySourceN/AOwner(s)OzenBuyN/ASellN/AFirst AppearanceManga DebutChapter 15Anime DebutEpisode 7Thousand-Men Pins are Artifacts said to grant their user the strength of a thousand men with a single pin when thrust into the skin.[1] Its auction name is Health Junkie.[2]

After Ozen had been attacked and left to die in the Abyss, she had no choice but to embed one of the pins within her to give her strength to push onward. Since then, she has bought up every pin that she has found. It is said that she has around 120 of these pins stuck in her body. They are the secret to her great strength and longevity.[3]

The force at Lee's command was only eighty thousand men to oppose the one hundred and fifteen thousand commanded by McClellan, but McClellan, as always, firmly believed that he was outnumbered. Many people still thought that Lee was fitted only for defensive work. He now began to prove his ability along other lines of warfare and showed himself possessed of a dash and daring far beyond that of most commanders. Withdrawing his army nearer Richmond, he immediately threw up strong earthworks, thereby protecting his whole line of defense, and called in all the troops he could get. McClellan was inactive, but Lee had no notion of remaining long within the entrenchments. He prepared for an aggressive campaign to drive the enemy away from Richmond. His first move was to send General J. E. B. Stuart with a small force of cavalry to locate McClellan's right flank. Stuart, who was one of the world's great cavalry leaders, took his force completely around the entire Federal army. Those forces which opposed him were driven back and a great quantity of stores was captured. One corps of the Federal army was on the north bank of the Chickahominy, protecting the line of communication with the base on York River. The breaking of this line would cause a dangerous retreat.

Jackson was now secretly summoned from the Valley to fall on McClellan's right flank and rear, and, in order to deceive McClellan, at the same time troops were detached from the main army in front of Richmond and apparently started for the Valley. The plan was a bold one, for, if McClellan should move forward, he would be much nearer Richmond and in a much stronger position and with only twenty-five thousand troops before him. Lee, however, possessed the gift, which means so much to an army commander, of foreseeing what the enemy would do, and he felt sure that McClellan would once more overestimate the Confederate force. With characteristic boldness he divided his force, and, for a time, the main body of his army was farther from Richmond than the Federal army.

McClellan was now again placed in command of the Federal forces. At first he acted with great promptness. Then there fell into his hands a copy of Lee's order outlining his plan of campaign. This was found where General D. H. Hill's tent had stood, and it is supposed that it was left there by one of his staff. With this to guide him, McClellan became too confident and acted so slowly that Jackson had captured Harper's Ferry and had turned back to rejoin Lee before McClellan made an attack. The preliminary battle was fought at South Mountain in which the Federal army gained the advantage. This was followed by the battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam. For its length this was the bloodiest battle of the entire war, the Federal losses being more than thirteen thousand, and Lee's more than eleven thousand. McClellan's military tactics were not of the best, while Lee's were very skillful; but the Federal army was more than twice the size of Lee's and this was a Federal victory, though not at all a decisive one. Lee's advance was checked, however. He would not cross the Potomac, but waited eagerly for the attack which he believed McClellan would make. He considered renewing the battle himself, but, as McClellan was receiving reinforcements, it seemed at last a wiser policy to retire into Virginia, a movement executed without interference from McClellan. The truth was that McClellan did not dare make the attack, and, during the five weeks that he waited to do so, Stuart again rode around the entire Federal army and captured a thousand horses.

The way lay through thick standing corn, and over marshy groundintersected with ditches, which were filled, or partially so,with water. Over some of the narrower of these Pierce leaped hishorse. When the brigade had advanced about a mile, however, itfound itself impeded by a ditch ten or twelve feet wide, and sixor eight feet deep. It being impossible to leap it, GeneralPierce was lifted from his saddle, and, in some incomprehensibleway, hurt as he was, contrived to wade or scramble across thisobstacle, leaving his horse on the hither side. The troops werenow under fire. In the excitement of the battle, he forgot hisinjury, and hurried forward, leading the brigade, a distance oftwo or three hundred yards. But the exhaustion of his frame, andparticularly the anguish of his knee,--made more intolerable bysuchfree use of it,--was greater than any strength of nerve, orany degree of mental energy, could struggle against. He fell,faint and almost insensible, within full range of the enemy'sfire. It was proposed to bear him off the field; but, as some ofhis soldiers approached to lift him, be became aware of theirpurpose, and was partially revived by his determination to resistit. "No," said he, with all the strength he had left, "don'tcarry me off! Let me lie here!" And there he lay, under thetremendous fire of Churubusco, until the enemy, in total rout,was driven from the field.

In this conflict General Worth, with three thousand troops,attacked and routed fourteen thousand Mexicans, driving themunder the protection of the Castle of Chepultepec. Perceivingthe obstinacy with which the field was contested, thecommander-in-chief despatched an order to General Pierce to advanceto the support of General Worth's division. He moved forwardwith rapidity; and although the battle was won just as he reachedthe field, he interposed his brigade between Worth and theretreating enemy, and thus drew upon himself the fire ofChepultepec. A shell came streaming from the castle, and,bursting within a few feet of him, startled his horse, which wasnear plunging over an adjacent precipice. Continuing a long timeunder fire, Pierce's brigadewas engaged in removing the wounded,and the captured ammunition. While thus occupied, he led aportion of his command to repel the attacks of the enemy'sskirmishers.

The American troops, under Quitman and Worth, had establishedthemselves within thelimits of the city, having possession ofthe gates of Belen and of San Cosma, but, up till nightfall, hadmet with a vigorous resistance from the Mexicans, led on by SantaAnna in person. They had still, apparently, a desperate taskbefore them. It was anticipated, that, with the next morning'slight, our troops would be ordered to storm the citadel, and thecity of Mexico itself. When this was told to Pierce, upon hissick bed, he rose, and attempted to dress himself; but CaptainHardcastle, who had brought the intelligence from Worth,prevailed upon him to remain in bed, and not to exhaust hisscanty strength, until the imminence of the occasion shouldrequire his presence. Pierce acquiesced for the time, but againarose, in the course of the night, and made his way to thetrenches, where he reported himself to General Quitman, withwhose division was a part of his brigade. Quitman's share in theanticipated assault, it was supposed, owing to the position whichhis troops occupied, would be more perilous than that of Worth.

On first viewing Homestead, two thoughts are forced upon a mind of mechanical bent: namely, the immense wealth necessary to build, equip, and run a plant of such magnitude; and the ingenuity and skill required to devise and manage it. The plant now has almost seventy-five acres of ground in actual use, and employs from thirty-five hundred to four thousand men. It is equipped with the finest machinery that human invention can devise, and money buy. It is managed by men of great ability, and worked by a force of skilled laborers second to none. 'I'he policy has been to spare no expense in the matter of equipment; and to do or spend anything, from money to human life, in order to have a large product. The result is that to-day any single mill in the whole plant at Homestead has, probably, a larger possible output than any other mill of the same class in the world.

Even when one makes inspection only of the fine steel buildings with their huge engines and hydraulic cranes, and with the great piles of crude material and finished stock, he is impressed with the mountain of cold cash they represent. Yet the Carnegie Steel Company and its allied interests include vastly more than these. Across the river the Edgar 'J. Thompson plant is nearly as large, and includes the finest rail-mill and blast furnaces in the United States, if not in the world. The mill at Duquesne, for blooms and billets; the wire and nail mills at Beaver Falls; the structural mills in Twenty-ninth Street, Pittsburg, and those in Thirty-third Street; the Isabella Furnaces; the Lucy Furnaces; the Keystone Bridge Company; the immense coke industry consolidated and managed by Mr. H. C. Frick, together represent an amount of capital and ability equaled in but one other organization in the country. The company has branch offices in all the large cities of the United States; it has its own private telegraph lines to all important points; it has its own gas territory, and drills its own wells and pipes its own gas for all the mills. The office force is enormous. In the central office in Pittsburg, at the beginning of the present dull period, it is said, one hundred and fifty clerks were suspended at one time without crippling the force. The company has in its employ, all told, probably twenty-seven thousand men. If we consider the small average of five souls to a family, we can see that this company alone controls the happiness and prosperity of at least one hundred and thirty-five thousand people. 041b061a72


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