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At a summer wedding, I'm parked near the field where the bridal party plays a celebratory softball game. A fly ball lands on the car next to mine, and I hear shouts of "Get the Mercedes, get the Mercedes!"
But once when we were far from home, the muffler gave out, and no one would touch it except a Mercedes dealer with several vehicles on display. There was a brief temptation to trade in the old Merced for a slightly younger one in brown, the color favored in Hollywood, according to comedians. Sometimes I hear about my failing to go for the brown when yet another thing has to be fixed on the incumbent.
Game Warden Dixon of Bloomfield was here Saturday on business.N. G. Hickam and wife spent Sunday with Zack Light and family.Dr. J. Branham and son Harry are building a modern garage inthe south part of town.
Mrs. Ivan Carpenter of Spencer spent Xmas with her parents,C. R. Johnson and wife. - Clayton Hudson has resigned as teacherof the 8th grade and accepted a position in Jasonville schools.James M. Pierce and wife came home Saturday from Rochester,Minnesota, where they spent four weeks in Mayo Brother'shospital. - Wallace Franklin and wife left Saturday forBloomington where they will make their home. - C. F. Needy andfamily and Evitt Price and family of Worthington spent Xmaswith Mark Needy and family. - A large crowd of basket ball (sic)fans went to Spencer Wednesday night and saw the home boysdefeat the Spencer team with a score of 21-18. - Dorothy McBridespent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Nelson at SwitzCity. - Charley McBride and family, Mrs. John Forest and sons,of Rockville, Fred McBride and family of Lyons, Freat McBrideand wife of Seldon, Kas. spent Thursday with their parents A. B. McBride.
Naturally, and without suspicion, he ate the fruit and a few minutes laterstarted to his home. When he arrived at his home he told Mrs. Babbs that he feltlike he was burning up inside and not feeling well. He went to the taxi barnacross the street from his home and there fell in a faint. Dr. Rice was nearand with the aid of another physician who was called, realizing from the symptomsexhibited that the stricken man was probably suffering from poison, administeredwarm milk as first aid. He was taken to his home and the first aid treatment followedby the administering of drugs to incite vomiting. The vomiting relieved him. Closerexamination showed that his mouth and throat were badly burned. He was very sick during thenight but was out of danger by Sunday night.
Saturday Afternoon Blaze Guts Room Occupied As Movie House - No One In BuildingFire, supposedly starting from an overheated stove, destroyed the Campbell Theatre here Saturdayafternoon. The fires had been built preparatory for the afternoon show and the proprietor,H. E. Campbell, had crossed the street to a garage. The stove, it is believed, became overheated andset fire to the back row of seats and a flimsy partition. The first intimation anyone had of the firethe heat from the interior heaved the glass of the front into the street, glass flying across Marketstreet. No fire reached the operating room till some 15 minutes later. The fire department played twobig streams on the fire for over 30 minutes before they had it under control. The fire started abouthalf an hour before the matinee time, when the theatre would have been filled with children and countryfolks. The building is owned by E. B. Phillips and is insured. Campbell carried no insurance on hisfixtures. The fire was confined to the one building, though at one time it threatened to break intothe furniture store of Ed West & Son.
The fire was discovered at 1:15 o'clock and by 2 o'clock the department had it under control. Theinterior burned like powder and spread so rapidly that the firemen experienced considerable difficultyin fighting it. It spread from front to back almost in a flash. George Campbell, the operator, attemptedtwice to get into the operating room but the smoke was so dense he could not get inside. Neither timewas there any sign of fire in the operating room as it was the last to burn.
Widow of Capt. McNaught Dies Here At Age Of 91 Years - Husband Died Only A Few Months AgoMrs. Sarah (Puett) McNaught, 91 years old, widow of Capt. Robert McNaught, died Monday morning at thehome of her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Field. Her husband died only a few months ago and since his death herdecline has been rapid. For years she had been an invalid. She was a native of Monroe county and wasmarried to Robert McNaught October 9, 1851. Two children were born to this union, only one of whom,Mrs. F. M. Field, survives. A grandson, Wade Fitch, lives in California and one granddaughter, Mrs.Mary (Field) Bacon, lives here. A brother, the Rev. George Puett of Ellettsville, is now almost 96years old.
Ralph E. Johnson, of Lincoln, Nebr., sends us word of the death of Mrs. Lillie Beach at Alhambra,Calif., Feb. 4. She was a daughter of Mrs. Amma Johnson Fulk and a granddaughter of Finley B. Johnsonand will be remembered by the older citizens here. Amma Johnson married a Johnson and later married aFulk. She and her first husband conducted what is now the Laymon Hotel and there Lillie was born, alsoLaura, Emma, Charlie, and Grove Johnson. The only one of the children surviving is Mrs. Laura Wilkinson,now living in Omaha.
Telephone word from the Methodist hospital, Indianapolis, Saturday was that J. W. Egnor, Sr.,operated on Friday afternoon, was "doing fine". The quotation is from Dr. Wishard, who operatedon Mr. Egnor. "Uncle Jim's" many friends here will be hoping for his early return home in good health.
Dowd Hall, about 78 years of age, son of John Hall, died Nov 8. at his home in Jasonville and wasburied Nov. 10 in the McIndoo cemetery near Freedom. He was the father of ten children, seven ofwhom are living, and all were present at the funeral. Mr. Hall lived here several years ago andwill be remembered by many. Relatives from here attend ing the funeral were: Wm Hendrick and wife,Jesse Maners and family, Mrs U. S. Mathes and Chas. Hall.
Quite a lot of sickness in this neighborhood. Earl Reese and family motoredto Ellettsville Sunday. Misses Emma and Ethel Corbin of Spencer were hereSunday with home folks. Miss Mary Powell of this place and O. T. Powell andfamily of Patricksburg visited their sisters Mrs. Jas. Gray and Mrs. Earl Stockwellin Morgan County Sunday. Everett Ault and wife spent Thanksgivingwith relatives here. Estil Troth and family of Crawfordsville are visitinghome folks for a few days. Fonner Sharp and wife, N. W. Troth and wife visitedDewey Troth last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morley of Illinois spent Thanksgivingwith the latter's parents, Earl Reese and wife. Clyde and Delbert Witham ofTerre Haute are spending a few days with their grandparents, Robt. Newport and wife.The pie supper at the school was well attended and the amount made was $25,which will be used to pay for some maps the teacher lately purchased. We have beenhaving school for several years without maps. We are led to believe the partywas mistaken about the founding of our little town. The three men who laidout the town were, Jacob Hicks, father-in-law of Sam Stwalley, 84 yrs. old of thisplace. The old Hicks home is one mile west of town and occupied by our mailcarrier B. F. Staley. Calvin Bender of Spencer, 90 yrs. old is another son-in-lawof Jacob Hicks. The other two men were one Daily and Vandyke. They suggested thename "Hicksville" but Jacob Hicks objected and they spliced the two names ofVandyke and Daily and hence the name Vandalia. There are many descendantsof all three families. The little son of Lewis Loser being the 5th generationof the Hicks family. Hicks came to this place almost 100 yrs. ago from Tennessee.We were glad to have the Spencer young folks present at our Epworth League Sundaynite.
T. L. Franklin shredded corn Wednesday. Wayne Watson was at Bloomington Wednesday.Clarence Williams and wife spent Thursday with J. F. Dyer and family.Clarence Hanna and family of Dugger were visiting relatives hereThursday. W. C. Franklin and family of Bedford spent Thanksgiving with home folks.V. A. Smith and son Malcolm spent Thanksgiving with Chas. Schmidt and family.Earl Kellar and V. A. Smithand son, Malcolm, spent Thursday evening with Dean Jean. Ralph Hines accompanied by hisnephew Arthur Adams of Peru, drove down to spend Thanksgiving with Abe Hines and family.Pearl Hines of Indianapolis and Ray Dyer and family of Worthington also spent the daywith them. Carl Griffith and wife and Lewis Williams and wife spent Thursday withSam Griffith and family. Mrs. Wayne Watson called on Mrs. Paul Hines Friday afternoon. 041b061a72